Klaus Volkmann

I have been developing the techniques to build bamboo bikes for the last 12 years. The first bikes were tested by Klaus itself in bike adventures in countries like Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil and Cuba. With the success of each project came the orders to build bikes to other people and the company ArtBikeBamboo began its existence.

From this point on my clients kept travelling around the world with our bikes built in ArtBikeBamboo workshop. Many still on the road for many years like Ricardo Martins @thebambootrip who is in a big adventure all around the world with his bamboo bike named Dulcinéia.
Other projects are RotaVerbum @rotaverbum for a couple of a German man Christoph and a Brazilian woman, Aline. They travel together with two bamboo bikes going from one social project that they find to the next giving support to each of them as much as they can all around Latin America.

Then comes CicloPermanente @ciclopermanente a project by Djeyson and Verônica. They participated in one of our workshops in 2017 and built together a bamboo bike they pedal all the way from south Brazil to Ushuaia, then Ecuador and now they are in north Brazil.

There are also athletes who participated in competitions with our bikes to illustrate to more people the amazing potential of natural resources when the right technique is applied.

Art Over Wheels

To this point ArtBikeBamboo already gave 8 complete bamboo bike building workshops, 5 in Porto Alegre - Brazil

One workshop in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a project to assit a small community to fight against social inequality,

one bamboo bike workshop in Bali, Indonesia,

and one in Hawaii, USA.

The same techniques we use to build bamboo bikes can be used to build high standart furniture and reinforcements in big structures.

I like to remember people of the power they have in their hands, the power to create their own means of transportation.

My mission is to keep sharing the knoleage and create knoleage multipliers, people who will keep teaching forward this techniques of how to bring more art and natural materials to our daily lives.

Looking forward to give more international workshops.